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Rohit Chandra

Real Estate

Following his passion for real estate – back in the 1990s, before the WWW – Rohit worked on MetroScan™ (think of it as zillow on a CD) 😉 As 1 of only 3 developers he got to work on some really cool technologies, and more interestingly their application. MetroScan (by Transamerica) was the pre-eminent and leading software used by realtors, appraisers, lenders etc. across the country with monthly/quarterly CDs shipping to customers. The MetroScan family had property details, plat maps, flood zones etc. etc. – essentially all data respective of a property including sales history and much more.

More than decade ago, Rohit started getting involved with residential real estate and has deep domain expertise and hands on knowledge: right from  due-diligence, short sales, REO, investing, acquiring, remodelling, upgrading, renting, leasing, maintaining, and what-have-you (evictions too!) Having written hundreds of offers, managing multi million dollar portfolios, and exploring a diverse array of opportunities; often times his friends have suggested he should just get a realtors’ license!😂

The primary areas of focus have been in Single Family Residence (SFR).


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