eCode was widely hailed as a unicorn company (valued in excess of a billion dollars) and has been mentioned in an assortment of case studies (e.g. The Internet Economy Indicators) and books (e.g. Online IT Politics & Diplomacy).
The company is also featured in the History & Times of The Internet – 2001, and has been written up in many of the top global media publications including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNBC, BusinessWeek, PC World, C|Net, Forrester, Jupiter, Economic Times, Times of India and many, many others.
eCode valued in excess of 2 billion dollars (Z-News)
(at the time 8,000 crore Rupees equated to 2 billion U.S. dollars)
2 Billion $ valuation (Times of India)
Business Card of The Future (BusinessWeek)
Pioneer in E-Wallet (New York Times)
eCode executing better than Bill Gates’ Microsoft & Eric Schmidt’s Novell (C|Net)
Net efficiency tools flooding market - CNET-markedup
More random samples of news sightings shared below.
Perhaps, some day a more comprehensive library of news clippings might be made available here (In the meantime, another partial set can be viewed on the Wayback Machine).